ECEI Silver Label

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Name Comparative portfolio Country Label valid until
AgroFood Regional Cluster Food industry Romania 2021/03/31
AgroTransilvania Cluster Food industry Romania 2017/11/11
Agroväst Livsmedel AB Food industry Sweden 2023/12/31
Arctic Smart Rural Community Cluster Food industry Finland 2019/09/30
Food-Processing Initiative e. V. Food industry Germany 2023/06/30
foodactive e. V. Food industry Germany 2023/12/31
FoodNetwork Food industry Denmark 2016/05/18
foodRegio Food industry Germany 2026/05/31
IDM Südtirol / Alto Adige Cluster Ecosystems Energy and environment; Food industry; Health and medical science; ICT; Sports, Leisure and Tourism Italy 2018/12/31
Pharmapolis Innovative Food Cluster Food industry Hungary 2021/05/15
QOOT Lebanon Agri-Food Innovation Cluster Food industry Lebanon 2027/10/31
SFIN - Skåne Food Innovation Network Food industry Sweden 2023/06/30
SMART food cluster Food industry Lithuania 2024/06/30
VIFU Videncenter for fødevareudvikling Food industry Denmark 2021/12/31