The European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA)
The European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA) is the one-stop shop for promoting Cluster Management Excellence through benchmarking and quality labelling of cluster management organisations worldwide. The Berlin-based organisation coordinates a network of around 200 cluster experts from more than 30 countries, which offer benchmarking and labelling services on behalf of ESCA. In addition, ESCA provides hands-on advice to cluster managers on cluster development and supports cluster policy makers and programme owners with advice on cluster programme development.
The European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis awards three different Quality Labels to qualified cluster management organisations.
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ESCA is an offspring of the 2009 European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI), a pan-European initiative by the European Commission with the aim to create more world-class clusters across the EU by strengthening cluster management excellence. ESCA was established in November 2010 by one of the 13 European project partners, VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH.
Training Opportunity for qualifying as "ECEI Cluster Benchmarking Expert"The European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI), initiated by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry back in 2009, aims for the development of methodologies and tools in order to support dedicated organisations to improve their capabilities in the management of networks and clusters. In this context a cluster management excellence labelling process was implemented more than 10 years ago. The European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA, was initiated and mandated by the ECEI to organise the assessment process and to award successful cluster organisations with the respective labels in GOLD, SILVER, and BRONZE. A network of around 200 specifically trained cluster experts from more than 30 countries supports these activities. After a long period without organising opportunities for interested parties to become involved (due to Covid pandemic and other reasons), I am glad to announce that a training workshop now is planned, for interested parties to qualify as “ECEI Cluster Benchmarking Expert” and by this in a first step to be eligible to conduct cluster benchmarking interviews leading to the ECEI BRONZE Label in cooperation with ESCA. The training will take place from May 15 15.00 until May 17 13.00 in Prague/CZE. It will include a theory session, a practical exercise conducting a “real” cluster benchmarking interview, and the discussion of the “business model” of being an “ECEI Cluster Benchmarking Expert” as well as the prospects of further development and the ongoing transition process of the responsibility for the labelling scheme from ESCA to the new “European Clusters Labelling Excellence Structure” ( association. Helmut Kergel, ESCA Director, will conduct the overall training. Local support is organised by the Czech National Cluster Association (NCA) having already nominated two trainees and having organised the cluster organisation being benchmarked as the practical exercise. ESCA now is seeking for more international interested parties to allow organising a training for an internationally well-mixed group of trainees, so that mutual learning adds additional value. In case of interest, please contact us asap.! More details will be available in due time. Cost for participating in the 2 half + 1 full day training is 750 EUR. Costs for travel/accommodation go extra.
Hervé Floch (President, EUCLES) and Dr. Gereon Meyer (Head of Intl. |
The future of Cluster Management Excellence LabellingTen years after the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI), the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA) is proud to lift the cluster labelling approach to the next level: Starting October 1, 2021, the European Clusters Excellence Labeling Structure (EUCLES), a European non-profit association comprising cluster development programmes from several EU Member States, has officially taken over the responsibility of the labelling scheme. Ensuring continuity of the well-established ECEI system, VDI/VDE-IT, which has been operating ESCA for the past 10 years, will continue the operative activities of the scheme (i.e. organising the assessments and coordinating the Pan-European expert network, preparing label award decisions, managing the individual contractual agreements, etc.). After having successfully facilitated and/or conducted more than 2,000 labelling activities and promoting the ECEI approach in more than 45 countries worldwide, VDI/VDE-IT is now looking forward to this new partnership at eye level with the recently established European association. After officially signing the EUCLES-VDI/VDE-IT partnership agreement in Brussels on September 30, 2021, both partners are now working out the operational details and new procedures. Until further notice, the established procedures as described on the ESCA website remain valid. Current cost structures for obtaining an ECEI GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE label will remain unchanged.
The EUCLES website is now available: Further developements are coming soon. |
Towards a New Green NormalESCA contributed to a new publication by Cluster Excellence Denmark on the role of Cluster Organisations in stimulating a green transition. The new e-book on “Towards a New Green Normal” takes a deep dive showing how European Cluster Organistions across all sectors facilitate a green transition by offering specific services to help companies develop new knowledge and skills (or re-skilling), re-define business models and develop new products and services. The individual case studies are complemented by quantitative data from a 2020 TCI Global Survey on the role of Cluster Organisations in driving circular transition in times of COVID-19.
New Eligibility Criteria for Cluster Management Excellence LabelsESCA is happy to announce the implementation of the first results of the concluded “European Cluster Excellence Initiative – Phase 2”. Main feature is the introduction of a set of “Eligibility Criteria for Cluster Management Excellence Labels”. As of November 15, 2019, the award of a Quality Label (BRONZE, SILVER or GOLD) is conditional on the set-up of the applying organisation and its listing on the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP). Moreover, both the Benchmarking Questionnaire and Benchmarking Report have been restructured and revised, i.a. by addressing key megatrends such as digital transformation, green transition and social economy. With the aim of reducing both costs and CO2 emissions, the revised system also includes a video-conferencing option for benchmarking interviews. |
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Concluding the “European Cluster Excellence Initiative – Phase 2” ProjectVDI/VDE-IT is pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the COSME-funded project “European Cluster Excellence Initiative – Phase 2 (ECEI II).” On April 26, 2019, the European Cluster Excellence Consortium (ECEC) met in the premises of the European Commission in Brussels to discuss the various ECEI II project results (2017-2019). 18 cluster experts attended the meeting, representing 13 organisations who had actively contributed to the ECEI II project. In addition, the meeting was attended by four EU Commission and EASME representatives. VDI/VDE-IT would like to thank the entire ECEC and all stakeholders, including the EC representatives for their constructive cooperation throughout the project. The full press release can be found on the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP). |
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ECEI II-Update: Taking “Cluster Management Excellence” to the Next LevelA European Consortium comprising 20 partners with a strong background in cluster development, led by VDI/VDE-IT, spent the second half of 2018 advancing the objectives of the Second Phase of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI II). The ECEI II project is funded under the COSME programme and aims at developing a process leading to an improved European Cluster Labelling Scheme with a particular focus on a higher level of transparency, accountability and efficiency of the current benchmarking and labelling system. The ECEI II project terminates at the end of April 2019. The achieved results and the prospects of their implementation will be communicated subsequently. A smooth transition of the current system into the new improved Cluster Labelling Scheme is foreseen. Until then, there will be no changes in the current labelling system. For further information click here. |
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Cluster Management Excellence in the Danube RegionESCA, the European Sercretariat for Cluster Analysis has just released the study Cluster Management Excellence in the Danube Region, dedicated to the current status of cluster management excellence in Europe, authored by Helmut Kergel, Dr. Gerd Meier zu Köcker, Michael Nerger and Dr. Oliver Ziegler. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.16257.35683 |
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Study on regional areas of strength in the EU-13 countries (Potentialanalyse zur Kooperation zwischen Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft in den EU-13-Staaten) for the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)In cooperation with INNO AG we prepared a study on local and regional cluster hot-spots in the EU-13 countries. The study was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Based on the analysis of relevant statistics (such as the allocation of H2020 projects) and interviews the study idenified for each of the countries specific areas of strengths as well as relevant key stakeholders from academia and industry. The study can be downloaded here (unfortunately the study is available in German only). |
Publication by the European Cluster Observatory: The Smart Guide to Cluster Policy
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The new Smart Guide to Cluster Policy is a practical guide targeting regional authorities and stakeholders interested in "How to make better use of clusters for promoting regional industrial modernisation, supporting the growth of SMEs and encouraging smart specialisation". It is the latest publication in the series of Guidebooks on supporting SME policy from structural funds which was presented at the occasion of the Smart Regions conference. |
Call for the expression of interest: Towards European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for smart specialisation investments
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The European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs invites cluster organisations, other business network organisations, technology centres and science parks interested to team up around specific industrial thematic areas, in the context of industrial modernisation. Through a dedicated call for the expression of interest, the aim is to mobilise European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for smart specialisation investments (ESCP-S3). This call is linked to the establishment of the Smart Specialisation Platform on Industrial Modernisation and Investment and is envisaged to strengthen industry participation and inter-regional collaboration in the implementation of smart specialisation strategies. To find out more about the partnering process, its wider context, potential benefits as well as how to express your interest, please see the full text of the call for the expression of interest. Deadline: The partnering process via the partner search tool of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform will open in May 2016 and remains open until the end of December 2016 |
NEWIN – The New England Water Innovation Network: as first US cluster organisation awarded with the Bronze Label of Cluster Management Excellence
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Within the framework of the United States – European Union Workshop on Clusters in Boston and Washington, D. C., November 17th -19th, 2015, NEWIN – The New England Water Innovation Network participated as the first US cluster organisation successfully in a Bronze Label Cluster Benchmarking Assessment of the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis. The assessment was conducted by Thomas Lämmer-Gamp of ESCA and Merete D. Nielsen of Cluster Excellence Denmark. In a thorough discussion with the cluster manager, Karen Golmer, the network structures, strategy and services were examined. There will be a follow-up on the results to support the network with its further development. |
Annual Meeting of the Cluster Excellence Expert Group in Munich, September 15th, 2015
On September 15th, 2015 the Cluster Excellence Expert Group (CEEG) met in Munich to reflect together with the ESCA secretariat on the Gold label activities of the last twelve months. Following a discussion of results of different Gold label assessments the group also discussed the different opportunities to extend the period of validity of a Gold label as well as potential new activities Gold cluster managers can initiate together with the ESCA secretariat in Berlin. As new chairperson of the CEEG Per Spindler of “BioPeople – Denmark’s Life Science Cluster” was elected, he is supported by the new vice-chairperson, Philip Aldridge of the UK-based “North-East Process Industry Cluster (NEPIC)”.
New study: CLUSTER MANAGEMENT EXCELLENCE IN MEXICO - Mexican Information Technology Clusters in Comparison with European Peers
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In the context of “Mexico’s Program for the Development for the IT industry of the Ministry of Economy – Prosoft” a cluster benchmarking activity of 13 Mexican IT-clusters was conducted in 2014. Aggregated results were compared to the aggregated results of ESCA cluster benchmarking activities of IT-clusters in Germany, Poland, and Spain. The public version of the results report can be downloaded in an English or a Spanish version. |
ESCA paper presented at stakeholder workshop of DG ENTRE of the European Commission on "Moving forward the EU policy agenda on cluster excellence - Lessons learned and new challenges at policy and operational level", Brussels, September 23rd, 2014
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The paper was presented at the occassion of a workshop held by the European Commission DG Enterprise on September 23rd, 2014, in Brussels, to inform discussions on the EU policy agenda on cluster excellence. The paper presents insights that have been gained by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis from cluster benchmarking and quality audit. Please download the paper here. |
Cluster Monitor Germany - Trends and Prospects of Clusters in Germany
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Given the increasing demand for information on the effects of clusters and networks, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy has launched the “Cluster Monitor Germany”. The “Cluster Monitor Germany” systematically monitors current trends in research- and innovation-focused clusters. The intention is to carry out regular monitoring in order to identify developments and draw conclusions regarding a potential need for action over a longer period of time. |
New study: Clusters and what role they can play in promoting cross-innovation between creative and "traditional" industries
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Creative industries have become a major focus of industrial policy throughout Europe. There are huge expectations put towards this industrial sector as it is expected to contribute to the industrial renewal of the European economy – “In the recent decades the world has been moving at a faster pace. For Europe and other parts of the world, the rapid roll-out of new The study is available at the website of the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit), a parter of the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis. |
New study: New approaches to improve the performance of cluster management organisations in Europe
French Government published benchmarking report of ESCA that was prepared in the context of the evaluation of the French cluster programme "Pôles de compétitivité"
In the context of the evaluation of the French cluster programme "Pôles de compétitivité" ESCA benchmarked 71 cluster organisation that are supported under the scheme. For further information please see the website of the programme. The report can be downloaded here.
For further information about our work please see our publications
Cluster programmes and cluster policy |
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Benchmarking of cluster organisations |
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The Future of Cluster Management Excellence Labelling
Ten years after the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI), the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA) is proud to lift the cluster labelling approach to the next level: Starting October 1, 2021, the European Clusters Excellence Labeling Structure (EUCLES), a European non-profit association comprising cluster development programmes from several EU Member States, has officially taken over the responsibility of the labelling scheme.
Ensuring continuity of the well-established ECEI system, VDI/VDE-IT, which has been operating ESCA for the past 10 years, will continue the operative activities of the scheme (i.e. organising the assessments and coordinating the Pan-European expert network, preparing label award decisions, managing the individual contractual agreements, etc.). After having successfully facilitated and/or conducted more than 2,000 labelling activities and promoting the ECEI approach in more than 45 countries worldwide, VDI/VDE-IT is now looking forward to this new partnership at eye level with the recently established European association.
After officially signing the EUCLES-VDI/VDE-IT partnership agreement in Brussels on September 30, 2021, both partners are now working out the operational details and new procedures. Until further notice, the established procedures as described on the ESCA website remain valid. Current cost structures for obtaining an ECEI GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE label will remain unchanged.