ECEI Silver Label

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Name Comparative portfolio Country Label valid until
AgroFood Regional Cluster Food industry Romania 2021/03/31
AgroTransilvania Cluster Food industry Romania 2017/11/11
Agroväst Livsmedel AB Food industry Sweden 2023/12/31
Agrupación Empresarial Innovadora del Sector de la TIC de La Rioja (AEI AERTIC) ICT Spain 2017/11/23
Anatolian Rail Transportation Systems Cluster (ARUS) Mobility: Vehicles, rail, traffic systems Turkey 2024/07/31
Arctic Industry and Circular Economy Cluster Production and engineering Finland 2019/09/30
Arctic Smart Rural Community Cluster Food industry Finland 2019/09/30
Autoklastr Mobility: Vehicles, rail, traffic systems Czech Republic 2025/06/30
AVIA – Cluster de automoción de la Comunitat Valenciana Transportation and mobility Spain 2025/03/31
Baden-Württemberg Connected e. V. Creative industries Germany 2020/05/31
BalticNet-PlasmaTec e. V. Micro, nano and optical technologies Germany 2025/08/31
bavAIRia Aviation and space Germany 2025/04/30
Bayerisches IT-Logistikcluster ICT Germany 2022/02/28
BioCon Valley GmbH Health and medical science Germany 2025/01/31
BioEconomy Cluster New materials and chemistry Germany 2021/12/31
BIOIB Cluster biotecnològic i biomèdic Biotechnology Spain 2021/09/30
BioLAGO e. V. Health and medical science Germany 2018/12/31
Biopark Regensburg GmbH Biotechnology Germany 2026/10/31
BioRegioSTERN Management GmbH Biotechnology Germany 2020/05/31
BioRN Biotechnology Germany 2020/11/15
Biosaxony e.V. - Cluster für Biotechnologie & Medizintechnik in Sachsen Biotechnology Germany 2026/12/31
BIOWIN Health and medical science Belgium 2023/08/31
Brandbase Creative industries Denmark 2019/06/25
Bron Innovation ICT Sweden 2026/12/31
BTM Cluster Mazovia Biotechnology Poland 2017/11/02
Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster Production and engineering Poland 2024/07/31
Canarias Excelencia Tecnológica (CET) ICT Spain 2020/11/25
cc-NanoBioNet e.V. Micro, nano and optical technologies Germany 2017/06/10
CenSec - Center for Defence, Space and Security Production and engineering Denmark 2019/05/01
Center for Transportation & Logistics Neuer Adler e. V. (CNA) Transportation and mobility Germany 2026/12/31
CfK Valley e.V. Aviation and space Germany 2018/12/31
Chemie-Cluster Bayern New materials and chemistry Germany 2022/08/31
Cleantech Latvia Energy and environment Latvia 2024/03/31
ClujIT ICT Romania 2018/10/19
Clust-ER Greentech - Energia e Sviluppo Sostenibile Energy and environment Italy 2026/10/31
Cluster Automotriz de Queretaro AC Mobility: Vehicles, rail, traffic systems Mexico 2024/05/31
Cluster de Automoción de Aragón Transportation and mobility Spain 2018/09/30
Cluster de Electrodomésticos Production and engineering Mexico 2018/12/31
Cluster de Empresas TIC, Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones de Aragón ICT Spain 2018/09/30
Cluster en Construcción Sostenible (CCS) Construction Spain 2020/11/30
Cluster Forst und Holz in Bayern Construction Germany 2026/02/15
Cluster Marítimo de Canarias (CMC) Maritime technologies, water resources Spain 2020/11/30
Cluster Mechatronik und Automation Production and engineering Germany 2021/02/07
Cluster Mobilier Transilvan Production and engineering Romania 2017/11/10
Cluster Nanotechnologie Micro, nano and optical technologies Germany 2025/03/31
Cluster of Czech Furniture Manufacturers Production and engineering Czech Republic 2024/12/31
Cluster Sondermaschinen- und Anlagenbau (SMAB) Production and engineering Germany 2020/01/31
Cluster textil ASTRICO NORD-EST Production and engineering Romania 2021/11/15
Cluster Têxtil: Tecnologia e Moda Textile industries Portugal 2025/11/06
Cluster Verkehr, Mobilität und Logistik in Berlin-Brandenburg Transportation and mobility Germany 2026/06/30
CLUTEX - Cluster Technical Textiles Textile industries Czech Republic 2026/10/31
COMET s.c.r.l. Production and engineering Italy 2025/12/31
Commercial Vehicle Cluster - Nutzfahrzeug GmbH (CVC) Transportation and mobility Germany 2024/12/31
Cust-ER Health Health and medical science Italy 2025/02/28
cyberLAGO - digital competence network ICT Germany 2024/02/29
Czech Aerospace Cluster Aviation and space Czech Republic 2027/02/28
Danish Sound Innovation Network ICT Denmark 2018/06/09
deENet – Kompetenznetzwerk Dezentrale Energietechnologien e. V. Energy and environment Germany 2020/08/30
Digitale Wirtschaft Schleswig-Holstein (DiWiSH) ICT Germany 2024/02/29
DITECFER SCARL Mobility: Vehicles, rail, traffic systems Italy 2027/01/31
EE.SH – Erneuerbare Energien Schleswig-Holstein Energy and environment Germany 2022/12/31
ELINCLUS - Electronic Innovation Cluster ICT Romania 2021/01/11
ENERGIEregion Nürnberg e. V. Energy and environment Germany 2026/05/31
Energy Saxony e. V. Energy and environment Germany 2027/03/31
Estonian Defence & Security Industry Innovation Cluster ICT Estonia 2024/10/21
Estonian Digital Construction Cluster Construction Estonia 2024/10/24
Estonian ICT Cluster ICT Estonia 2018/10/31
ETREC - Electro-Technical Regional Cluster Production and engineering Romania 2021/03/31
European Center for Power Electronics e. V. Production and engineering Germany 2026/05/31
FinanceMalta Creative industries Malta 2017/12/14
FinTech Scotland Creative industries United Kingdom 2024/06/30
Food-Processing Initiative e. V. Food industry Germany 2023/06/30
foodactive e. V. Food industry Germany 2023/12/31
FoodNetwork Food industry Denmark 2016/05/18
foodRegio Food industry Germany 2026/05/31
Forschungskuratorium Textil e. V. New materials and chemistry Germany 2017/06/08
Forum MedTech Pharma e.V. Health and medical science Germany 2023/12/31
GEOkomm e. V. ICT Germany 2023/09/30
Green Energy - Romanian Innovative Biomass Cluster Energy and environment Romania 2018/01/12
HealthCapital Berlin-Brandenburg Health and medical science Germany 2023/01/31 Styria GmbH Health and medical science Austria 2022/09/30
Hungarian Sport and Lifestyle Development Cluster Sports, Leisure and Tourism Hungary 2023/08/31
Hzwo e.V. Energy and environment Germany 2026/09/30
IDM Südtirol / Alto Adige Cluster Ecosystems Energy and environment; Food industry; Health and medical science; ICT; Sports, Leisure and Tourism Italy 2018/12/31
IJALTI - Instituto Jalisciense de Tecnologías de la Información ICT Mexico 2024/02/28
IMAGO-MOL Health and medical science Romania 2021/11/15
IND-AGRO-POL Production and engineering Romania 2025/10/31
INFINIT ICT Denmark 2018/09/25
Info Pólus Software Innovation Pole Cluster ICT Hungary 2017/09/28
InnoBYG - The Innovation Cluster for Sustainable Construction Construction Denmark 2019/05/01
Innoskart ICT Cluster ICT Hungary 2022/12/31
InnoZent OWL e. V. ICT Germany 2026/10/31
INPLAS - Kompetenznetz Industrielle Plasma-Oberflächentechnik e. V. New materials and chemistry Germany 2026/05/31
Institut für Kunststoffverarbeitung Production and engineering Germany 2020/09/06
Interior Cluster Sweden Creative industries Sweden 2023/12/31
Intralogisitik-Netzwerk in Baden-Württemberg e. V. Production and engineering Germany 2019/11/30
Invio - Innovation Network for Experience Economy Creative industries Denmark 2019/09/21
IOT Linköping ICT Sweden 2023/12/31
IT FOR WORK ICT Germany 2017/05/31
IT Security - Bavarian IT Security & Safety Cluster ICT Germany 2023/05/31
IT@Baja ICT Mexico 2021/05/06
iTech Transilvania Cluster ICT Romania 2018/01/13
ITS mobility e. V. Transportation and mobility Germany 2024/10/31
IVAM e.V. Micro, nano and optical technologies Germany 2017/11/23
Kompetenz-Netzwerk Mechatronik in Ostbayern Production and engineering Germany 2024/03/31
Kompetenznetz Optische Technologien - bayern photonics e.V. Micro, nano and optical technologies Germany 2019/05/01
Kunststoff-Netzwerk Franken e.V. New materials and chemistry Germany 2025/11/30
Latvian IT Cluster ICT Latvia 2021/10/31
LeClust'R Numérique ICT France 2018/09/30
Lifescience Krakow Klaster Health and medical science Poland 2023/06/30
Lithuanian Photovoltaic Technology Cluster (FETEK) Energy and environment Lithuania 2024/06/30
Lombardy Mobility Cluster Transportation and mobility Italy 2020/08/30
Madrid Aerospace Cluster Aviation and space Spain 2019/01/31
MAI Carbon New materials and chemistry Germany 2024/10/31
Marcod - Maritime Industries for Operations Maritime technologies, water resources Denmark 2022/04/30
Maritime Technology Cluster FVG S.c.a.r.l. Maritime technologies, water resources Italy 2023/11/30
Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland (MCN) | Schleswig-Holstein Maritime technologies, water resources Germany 2026/09/30
Mazovia Cluster ICT ICT Poland 2018/06/27
Mazovian Chemical Cluster New materials and chemistry Poland 2017/11/03
MECHATREC - Regional Innovation Cluster for Mechatronics Bucharrest - Ilfov Production and engineering Romania 2021/03/31 berlinbrandenburg e.V. Creative industries Germany 2025/10/31
Medical Valley EMN Health and medical science Germany 2026/05/31
medways e.V. Health and medical science Germany 2026/01/31
Metal Processing Cluster (MPC) Production and engineering Poland 2019/11/19
mi-cluster Micro, nano and optical technologies Greece 2018/02/28
Mining and Mineral Cluster Norway Production and engineering Norway 2019/06/15
MOBINOV - Automotive Cluster Association Mobility: Vehicles, rail, traffic systems Portugal 2024/10/31 Transportation and mobility Germany 2024/01/31
NANOMAT Micro, nano and optical technologies Germany 2022/01/15
NCE Heidner Biocluster Biotechnology Norway 2021/06/30
Netzwerk Industrie RuhrOst (NIRO) Production and engineering Germany 2025/09/30
Netzwerk Logistik Mitteldeutschland e. V. Logistics: Packaging, Delivery, Logistical Systems and Services Germany 2022/08/31
North Hungarian IT Cluster ICT Hungary 2022/03/31
Norwegian Fashion Hub Textile industries Norway 2020/09/30
Norwegian Smart Care Cluster Health and medical science Norway 2021/03/10
Oldenburger Energiecluster OLEC e. V. Energy and environment Germany 2025/01/31
OMNIPACK Production and engineering Hungary 2020/04/30
Open Hub Creative Cluster Creative industries Romania 2025/11/30
OpTecBB e. V. Micro, nano and optical technologies Germany 2026/11/30
Optence e. V. Micro, nano and optical technologies Germany 2026/05/31
OptoNet e.V. Micro, nano and optical technologies Germany 2021/12/31
Organic Electronics Saxony Micro, nano and optical technologies Germany 2025/02/28
Packbridge Logistics: Packaging, Delivery, Logistical Systems and Services Sweden 2023/05/31
Pharmapolis Innovative Food Cluster Food industry Hungary 2021/05/15
PhotonicNet - Kompetenznetz Optische Technologien in Niedersachsen Micro, nano and optical technologies Germany 2023/01/31
Polish Construction Cluster Construction Poland 2025/10/31
Polo di Innovazione ICT (Fondazione Torino Wireless) ICT Italy 2024/07/31
Propell ICT Sweden 2023/12/31
proplast - Plastic Innovation Pole New materials and chemistry Italy 2020/12/18
PROSOFTWARE A. C. ICT Mexico 2018/12/31
PROWOOD Regional Cluster New materials and chemistry Romania 2019/04/15
QOOT Lebanon Agri-Food Innovation Cluster Food industry Lebanon 2027/10/31
RAI Automotive Industry NL Mobility: Vehicles, rail, traffic systems Netherlands 2024/06/30
REGINA e. V. – Regionaler Industrieclub Informatik Aachen ICT Germany 2025/12/31
RoboCluster Production and engineering Denmark 2018/03/17
ROHealth Health and medical science Romania 2021/11/15
Romanian Textile Concept Textile industries Romania 2021/01/01
RosenC - The Romanian Sustainable Energy Cluster Energy and environment Romania 2018/01/14
SBHS - Sustainable Business Hub Energy and environment Sweden 2027/02/28
ScotlandIS ICT United Kingdom 2025/03/31
Service Cluster Denmark ICT Denmark 2019/02/11
SFIN - Skåne Food Innovation Network Food industry Sweden 2023/06/30
Silesia Automotive & Advanced Manufacturing Mobility: Vehicles, rail, traffic systems Poland 2022/11/30
Slovak Plastic Cluster New materials and chemistry Slovakia 2026/10/31
SMART food cluster Food industry Lithuania 2024/06/30
Smart Textiles by Science Park Boras Textile industries Sweden 2026/12/31
smart³ e. V. New materials and chemistry Germany 2023/06/30
SMTF Maritime technologies, water resources Sweden 2023/05/31
South West Hungarian Engineering Cluster Production and engineering Hungary 2021/12/31
SpectroNet Micro, nano and optical technologies Germany 2023/12/31
Srednogorie Industrial Cluster Production and engineering Bulgaria 2018/05/10
Stiftelsen Compare Karlstad competense area ICT Sweden 2023/12/31
Strategische Partnerschaft Sensorik e. V. Micro, nano and optical technologies Germany 2023/11/30
TAYSAD - Association of Automotive Parts & Components Manufacturers Transportation and mobility Turkey 2017/12/09
TECES Energy and environment Slovenia 2020/06/30
Technology Enabled Construction (TEC) Cluster Construction Romania 2026/11/30
Thuringian Renewable Energies Asossitaion (ThEEN e.V.) Energy and environment Germany 2024/10/31
Trägerverein Umwelttechnologie-Cluster Bayern e. V. Energy and environment Germany 2026/05/31
TransformotiveDIALOG Production and engineering Germany 2025/12/31
Transylvania Textile & Fashion Textile industries Romania 2022/08/31
TREC Transylvanian Energy Cluster Energy and environment Romania 2020/02/21
TWIST Creative industries Belgium 2017/08/26
VIFU Videncenter for fødevareudvikling Food industry Denmark 2021/12/31
Visit Dalarna Sports, Leisure and Tourism Sweden 2023/12/31
Water in Urban Areas Energy and environment Denmark 2018/06/26
Windenergie-Agentur Bremerhaven e. V. Energy and environment Germany 2023/05/31
Wood Industry Cluster Production and engineering Slovenia 2020/08/31
ZINNAE Energy and environment Spain 2024/12/27