Advanced Manufacturing Cluster of Metal Industry in Asturias - MetaIndustry4
Production and engineering
Spain |
2025/02/28 |
AEI Tèxtils (Catalan cluster of advanced textile materials)
Textile industries
Spain |
2025/02/28 |
Aerospace Valley
Aviation and space
France |
2018/12/01 |
Food industry
France |
2025/09/30 |
Agro Transilvania CLUSTER
Food industry
Romania |
2024/03/31 |
Allianz Faserbasierte Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg e. V.
New materials and chemistry
Germany |
2026/03/31 |
Alsace BioValley
Health and medical science
France |
2017/12/31 |
Arctic Cluster Team
New materials and chemistry
Norway |
2025/02/28 |
Food industry
Spain |
2021/12/31 |
Textile industries
Spain |
2024/08/31 |
automotive BW
Transportation and mobility
Germany |
2020/02/05 |
Automotive Cluster of Aragon (CAAR)
Mobility: Vehicles, rail, traffic systems
Spain |
2025/04/30 |
Automotive Cluster of Nuevo León (CLAUT)
Transportation and mobility
Mexico |
2019/06/23 |
New materials and chemistry
France |
2019/06/04 |
Bau.Energie.Umwelt Cluster Niederösterreich (ecoplus. Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH)
Austria |
2021/09/11 |
Beauty Cluster Barcelona
Creative industries
Spain |
2025/03/31 |
BioLAGO e. V. – life science network
Health and medical science
Germany |
2024/01/31 |
BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH
Germany |
2023/04/30 |
Biopeople - Denmark's Life Science Cluster
Denmark |
2021/07/18 |
bioPmed - Piemonte Healthcare Cluster
Health and medical science
Italy |
2017/07/21 |
BioRN Network e. V.
Germany |
2026/12/31 |
Blue Maritime Cluster
Maritime technologies, water resources
Norway |
2024/06/30 |
Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster Tool Valley
Production and engineering
Poland |
2025/12/31 |
Cap Digital
Creative industries
France |
2019/07/15 |
CARA – European Cluster for Mobility Solutions
Transportation and mobility
France |
2019/02/25 |
Carbon Composites e. V.
Production and engineering
Germany |
2018/10/08 |
CEAGA - Cluster de Empresas de Automoción de Galicia
Transportation and mobility
Spain |
2024/06/30 |
CEEC - Energy Efficient Cluster of Catalonia
Energy and environment
Spain |
2027/04/30 |
Aviation and space
Denmark |
2024/10/31 |
Chemie-Cluster Bayern GmbH
New materials and chemistry
Germany |
2015/03/13 |
CIAC - Associació Cluster de la Indústria de l'Automoció de Catalunya
Mobility: Vehicles, rail, traffic systems
Spain |
2026/12/31 |
CLEAN - Connecting Danish Cleantech
Energy and environment
Denmark |
2024/12/31 |
Cluster da Madeira de Galicia (CMA)
Spain |
2016/03/03 |
Cluster de Energía del País Vasco / Basque Energy Cluster
Energy and environment
Spain |
2022/11/30 |
Cluster de la Acuicultura de Galicia
Food industry
Spain |
2018/03/15 |
Cluster Elektromobilität Süd-West
Mobility: Vehicles, rail, traffic systems
Germany |
2023/03/10 |
Cluster Habitat Sustentável
Portugal |
2020/02/03 |
Cluster Medizintechnologie Mannheim
Health and medical science
Germany |
2021/12/31 |
Cluster Mobilier Transilvan
Production and engineering
Romania |
2025/11/30 |
Cluster Mobility & Logistics
Mobility: Vehicles, rail, traffic systems
Germany |
2027/07/31 |
Cluster Montagne
Sports, Leisure and Tourism
France |
2019/01/31 |
Cluster of Czech Furniture Manufacturers
Production and engineering
Czech Republic |
2027/03/31 |
Cluster TIC Galicia
Spain |
2018/03/15 |
Copenhagen Fintech
Creative industries
Denmark |
2027/08/31 |
CREA Hydro & Energy
Energy and environment
Czech Republic |
2017/08/17 |
csoftmty - Consejo de Software de NuevoLeón
Mexico |
2019/12/31 |
CWP - Catalan Water Partnership
Maritime technologies, water resources
Spain |
2025/03/31 |
CyberForum e. V.
Germany |
2015/10/27 |
D2i - Design to innovate
Creative industries
Denmark |
2019/03/29 |
DAMRC - Danish Advanced Manufacturing Research Center
Production and engineering
Denmark |
2022/10/31 |
Danish Life Science Cluster
Health and medical science
Denmark |
2026/12/31 |
Danish Sound Cluster
Denmark |
2025/09/30 |
Dansk Material Network
New materials and chemistry
Denmark |
2019/06/30 |
Denmark |
2024/08/31 |
Energy Cluster Denmark
Energy and environment
Denmark |
2027/03/31 |
Energy Innovation Cluster
Energy and environment
Denmark |
2020/06/01 |
Energy Valley
Maritime technologies, water resources
Norway |
2026/06/30 |
EnergyVaasa c/o Oy Merinova AB
Energy and environment
Finland |
2024/03/31 |
Estonian HeathTech Cluster
Health and medical science
Estonia |
2024/11/14 |
Estonian ICT Cluster
Estonia |
2025/01/31 |
Evoluma Industry Cluster
Production and engineering
Poland |
2025/12/31 |
FEMAC - The Cluster of Agricultural Machinery
Production and engineering
Spain |
2026/12/31 |
Flanders' Food
Food industry
Belgium |
2018/04/06 |
Food & Bio Cluster Denmark
Food industry
Denmark |
2027/09/30 |
Foodservice Cluster of Catalonia
Food industry
Spain |
2027/06/30 |
Future Position X
Sweden |
2020/12/31 |
Gate 21
Energy and environment
Denmark |
2021/08/01 |
GCE NODE - Global Centre of Expertise
Energy and environment
Norway |
2026/12/31 |
GCE Ocean Technology
Energy and environment
Norway |
2027/06/30 |
gi-cluster (facilitated by Corallia)
Creative industries
Greece |
2021/03/31 |
Green Tech Valley Cluster GmbH
Energy and environment
Austria |
2026/12/31 |
habic – Basque Hospitality, Wood & Design Cluster
Spain |
2024/06/30 |
Hamburg Aviation e.V.
Aviation and space
Germany |
2024/11/30 |
Hamburg@work | DigitalCluster.Hamburg
Germany |
2021/08/31 |
House of Energy
Energy and environment
Denmark |
2020/04/11 |
Energy and environment
France |
2020/10/29 |
Transportation and mobility
France |
2021/07/30 |
Micro, nano and optical technologies
Romania |
2025/07/31 |
INNOVACC - Catalan Cluster of Meat and Alternative Protein
Food industry
Spain |
2024/04/30 |
Food industry
Portugal |
2017/05/24 |
it’s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH
Production and engineering
Germany |
2022/03/31 |
Production and engineering
Sweden |
2022/12/31 |
Kongsberg Cluster
Production and engineering
Norway |
2023/09/30 |
Kosice IT Valley
Slovakia |
2023/07/31 |
New materials and chemistry
Austria |
2020/12/31 |
Kunststoff-Institut für die mittelständische Wirtschaft NRW GmbH
New materials and chemistry
Germany |
2027/03/31 |
Lebensmittel Cluster Niederösterreich (ecoplus. Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH)
Food industry
Austria |
2021/09/09 |
Life Science Nord
Health and medical science
Germany |
2027/01/31 |
Lifestyle & Design Cluster
Creative industries
Denmark |
2027/01/31 |
Logistik-Initiative Hamburg e.V.
Transportation and mobility
Germany |
2024/11/30 |
Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster
Energy and environment
Italy |
2017/02/03 |
Health and medical science
France |
2019/11/10 |
MADE - Manufacturing Academy of Denmark
Production and engineering
Denmark |
2026/10/31 |
Maritime Development Center
Maritime technologies, water resources
Denmark |
2022/09/12 |
Mechatronik Cluster (Clusterland Oberösterreich GmbH)
Production and engineering
Austria |
2021/09/08 |
Media Evolution
Sweden |
2022/12/31 |
MedicalMountains GmbH
Health and medical science
Germany |
2024/01/31 |
Medicon Valley Alliance
Health and medical science
Denmark |
2026/05/31 |
microTEC Südwest e. V.
Micro, nano and optical technologies
Germany |
2020/12/31 |
Micro, nano and optical technologies
France |
2017/12/31 |
Mobile Heights
Sweden |
2026/10/31 |
MODACC - Catalan Fashion Cluster
Textile industries
Spain |
2022/03/31 |
New materials and chemistry
Czech Republic |
2025/12/31 |
NCE EYDE-Cluster
Creative industries
Norway |
2024/12/31 |
NCE Heidner Biocluster
Food industry
Norway |
2024/11/30 |
NCE Manufacturing
Production and engineering
Norway |
2026/04/30 |
NCE Maritime Cleantech
Maritime technologies, water resources
Norway |
2025/02/28 |
NCE Media – Media City Bergen
Creative industries
Norway |
2025/03/31 |
NCE Smart Energy
Energy and environment
Norway |
2024/11/30 |
Transportation and mobility
France |
2025/12/31 |
North East Process Industry Cluster
Production and engineering
United Kingdom |
2019/02/11 |
Norway Health Tech
Health and medical science
Norway |
2024/09/30 |
Norwegian Smart Care Cluster
Health and medical science
Norway |
2026/11/30 |
Odense Robotics
Production and engineering
Denmark |
2025/03/31 |
OptoNet e. V.
Micro, nano and optical technologies
Germany |
2025/03/31 |
Oslo Cancer Cluster
Health and medical science
Norway |
2024/12/31 |
Packaging Cluster
Logistics: Packaging, Delivery, Logistical Systems and Services
Spain |
2025/03/31 |
Paper Province
Production and engineering
Sweden |
2026/01/31 |
Photonics BW e. V.
Micro, nano and optical technologies
Germany |
2024/03/31 |
Pôle de compétitivité Optitec
Micro, nano and optical technologies
France |
2018/01/31 |
Pôle de compétitivité Plasturgie (PLASTIPOLIS)
New materials and chemistry
France |
2022/03/31 |
Pôle EMC2
Production and engineering
France |
2023/12/31 |
Pôle Fibres-Energivie
France |
2019/09/30 |
Pole SCS
France |
2018/05/21 |
Pôle Valorial
Food industry
France |
2024/11/30 |
Pôle Véhicule du Futur
Transportation and mobility
France |
2020/09/24 |
Pool-net - Portuguese Tooling Network
Production and engineering
Portugal |
2017/07/06 |
Food industry
Portugal |
2016/11/04 |
Prince Edward Island BioAlliance
Canada |
2025/08/31 |
PRO WOOD Regional Wood Cluster
Production and engineering
Romania |
2025/12/31 |
PRODUTECH - Pólo das Tecnologias de Produção
Production and engineering
Portugal |
2022/11/30 |
Health and medical science
Romania |
2026/12/31 |
SECPhO - Southern European Cluster in Photonics and Optics
Micro, nano and optical technologies
Spain |
2022/03/31 |
si-cluster (facilitated by Corallia)
Aviation and space
Greece |
2021/04/15 |
Silesia Automotive & Advanced Manufacturing
Production and engineering
Poland |
2025/05/31 |
Silesian Aviation Cluster
Aviation and space
Poland |
2027/08/31 |
Silicon Saxony e. V.
ICT; Micro, nano and optical technologies; Production and engineering
Germany |
2026/12/31 |
Software-Cluster Koordinierungsstelle
Germany |
2015/04/21 |
France |
2017/12/31 |
Technology Mountains e. V.
Health and medical science; ICT; Micro, nano and optical technologies; New materials and chemistry; Production and engineering
Germany |
2024/01/31 |
Techtera - Pôle de compétitivité des textiles et matériaux souples
Textile industries
France |
2027/01/31 |
Energy and environment
France |
2019/01/31 |
Health and medical science
Spain |
2018/04/30 |
Portugal |
2023/07/31 |
Transilvania IT Cluster
Romania |
2026/08/31 |
TREC - Transilvania Energy Cluster
Energy and environment
Romania |
2026/07/31 |
VDC Fellbach
Germany |
2022/01/31 |
Food industry
France |
2019/11/14 |
Production and engineering
France |
2019/01/31 |
Vision Denmark
Micro, nano and optical technologies
Denmark |
2026/02/28 |
Visit Dalarna AB
Sports, Leisure and Tourism
Sweden |
2026/12/31 |
Food industry
France |
2020/12/31 |
Denmark |
2025/09/30 |
WeMind Cluster
Health and medical science
Spain |
2027/06/30 |